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During the conferences of the Great International School of Ministry (ISM), we experience a practical knowledge of the ministry as in the time of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is, a four dimensional ministry, namely: teaching, preaching, miracle healing and deliverance. The words of the Man of God are full of spirit and produce life in ministries; one has the impression that the Bible has just been rewritten in a simplistic and realistic manner, as on the road to Emmaus when the two disciples asked themselves: "Was not our heart burning within us, when talk to us on the way and explain the scriptures to us? (Luke 24:32). You just have to experience the enemy physically to accurately describe the atmosphere the anointing gives off in the room after each teaching.

At the end of this school, a certificate of attendance is issued to participants at the end of each edition.

It doesn't matter what continent you are in, what language you speak. Any servant, any servant, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor doctor has the possibility to register to take part. The teachings of the ISM are relevant to any minister of the gospel desiring to expand his ministry, deepen his knowledge of the holy scriptures and thirsty to listen to the experience of a man who has walked for nearly 45 years with the Master. of the harvest, namely, Jesus Christ!



The main goal of the apostle's ministry is: - To bring multitudes of souls to the foot of the cross by redeeming time because the days are increasingly bad (Mark 16: 15-18) by great crusades public.


To announce the good news, the Apostle uses all the means of communication made available to him by the Lord: Internet, radio, television, crusades, conferences, conventions, seminars, ministry schools, pastoral care, letters, e-mails.


The Apostle Leopold MUTOMBO is a blessing for the church Body of Christ. He is a man whom God has raised and anointed in a very special way in this generation to influence ministers of the gospel and prepare the Church for the coming of Christ.

After giving his life to Jesus, Apostle Leopold MUTOMBO received the call of the Lord through the revelation of Jesus Christ who appeared to him in 1976 calling him to the Ministry. After his biblical training, he was set apart for God on October 22, 1980. A man of masses! Only crowds at each of its public meetings! His crusades attract since 1986 huge crowds. And the Lord Jesus Christ accompanies his crusades with terrible signs, wonders and cures: tumor, cancer and AIDS disappear; paralytics walk, blind men see, and even children born without sex miraculously recover their sexes; dead ones rise again; fish, lizards, snakes, cockroaches, mice, metal objects come out of the bodies.


  • Toutes
  • ISM 2020
ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020

ISM 2020